Los hackers no pueden dar nada que la CPU no compile. Lo que el hacker puede hacer es evitar que entre todos los programadores, algunos se lleven la parte del león mientras que otros carguen con la parte del ratón. Toda nuestra obra bajo GPLv3 ha de apreciarse desde ese ángulo. Con estas compilaciones, nuestros hackers - ungidos bajo el signo de la justicia social - no hay hecho mas que programar esa justicia, dando a los usuarios lo que es de los usuarios, y a la CPU lo que es de la CPU.
Esta programación social ha hecho que yo cuente con un gran predicamento entre los hackers, en razón de que les he asegurado la Justicia Social que nunca habían tenido. He obrado con lealtad y sinceridad y he trabajado incansablemente por favorecer a los que desde hace cincuenta años han estado sumergidos y aplastados económicamente. Hoy, que ven que gozan con su código, compilan y depuran mejor. Sienten que se los ha dignificado; y es lógico que así sea. Yo he levantado la bandera de la dignificación del hacker, porque este país necesita hombres y mujeres de compilen, y es la suprema dignidad de la compilación la que estoy creando. No hay ninguna dignidad más alta que compilar.
Sin duda que GNU con Linux es uno de los ambientes principales para lograr esta Justicia, pero incluso antes que Ubuntu fuese una idea, yo ya lo lograba con la DEC PDP-11 de 16 bits poblada con RSX-11M Plus.
Se trató de una serie de sistemas operativos multiusuario iniciada en 1973 para resolver procesos computacionales en tiempo real para dichas computadoras. Sin embargo, a lo largo de su dilatada vida comercial se utilizaron como base para el desarrollo de todo tipos de tareas informáticas.
Podremos utilizar el emulador de PDP-11/70 y las cintas de 9track.net y bitsavers.org.
A través de la devolución de la terminal os enseñaré cómo instalar RSX-11M-Plus v4.x, aparecidas generalmente a partir de mediados de 1985.
En aras de la brevedad que siempre es útil en todo tipo de proyectos, os indicaré en azul lo que deben tipear en el intérprete de comandos "MCR", y en rojo las teclas a presionar. Naturalmente esto puede realizarse en un DEC PDP-11 real de la serie 13, 43, 70 e incluso las modernas 84 o 93, pero es particularmente útil para su émulo moderno PiDP-11/70 basadas en una Raspberry Pi, aunque llevará llevará mas tiempo.
Copiar el kit de instalación al disco
La cinta de distribución contiene un conjunto BRU, la Utilidad de Respaldo y Restauración de RSX, para un sistema base. Se trata en este caso de una versión sola para la unidad de cinta TS11, capaz de bootear desde ella. La cinta utilizada es la BB-J083H-BC (RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 MT:1600 BRUSYS STANDALONE COPY SYSTEM)
RSX-11M/RSX-11M-PLUS Standalone Copy System V04
MCR> ↵
RSX-11M/RSX-11M-PLUS Standalone Configuration and Disk Sizing Program
Valid switches are:
/CSR=nnnnnn to change the default device CSR
/VEC=nnn to change the default device vector
/FOR=n to change the default magtape formatter number
/DEV to list all default device CSR and vectors
Enter first device: MS0:
Enter second device: DB0:
Hit RETURN and enter date and time as 'TIM HH:MM MM/DD/YY'
>TIM 20:24 05/24/90
Ahora hemos de revisar cualquier bloque dañado en los discos de destino, lo que creará una tabla de bloques dañados. Naturalmente al usar un emulador no deberían existir; no obstante esta operación ha de realizarse para evitarnos que los programas de RSX protesten tontamente por su inexistencia.
BAD -- DB0: Total bad blocks= 0.
BAD>[presionar Ctrl+z]
A continuación colocamos la cinta de RSX en la unidad TS11 virtual y corremos la BRU. En este caso utilizamos la cinta BB-J081G-BC (RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 BRU MT:1600 ID:RSX11MPBL58 DIST KIT)
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:
BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:
BRU - Completed
BRU>[presionar Ctrl+z]
Iniciar el sistema de base
Para ello detenemos el sistema y booteamos desde el sistema recién creado (dispositivo rp0 en Simh). El sistema de base consiste en una imagen ejecutable que cuenta con una configuración segura por defecto, que podía correr en cualquier modelo de la línea PDP-11 (que cuente con los requerimientos básicos para RSX-11M Plus v4.x, claro está). Existen varios controladores de dispositivos ya configurados en la misma, lo que facilitará el proceso de instalación del sistema completo.
RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 BL58 1024.KW System:"Baseline"
SET -- Crash device MM0: has been successfully loaded
>; RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 Distribution Kit
>; This is the baseline system of the RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2
>; distribution kit. This system contains an assortment of
>; devices and may in fact be of some use on your target
>; system. The main purpose of the baseline system, however,
>; is to provide a working system environment which may be
>; used to generate a custom-tailored operating system for
>; your target hardware. We will now provide instructions
>; to guide you through the startup procedure.
>; It is important to specify the correct date and time.
>; Use the format "DD-MMM-YY HH:MM".
>* Please enter the date and time [S]: 24-MAY-90 20:25
Naturalmente, hemos de saber que cualquier versión de RSX-11M-PLUS anterior a la 4.6 no conforman el bug Y2K, por lo cual no aceptan fechas y operaciones nominales por encima del 31 de diciembre de 1999.
>TIME 24-MAY-90 20:25
>; Now allocate checkpoint space for use by system utilities.
>ACS SY:/BLKS=1024.
>; The following information is necessary for this command file
>; to correctly access the remainder of the distribution kit.
>* Did you receive your RSX-11M-PLUS distribution kit on magnetic tape? [Y/N]: Y
>; Please enter the name of the magnetic tape drive, which should
>; still contain the distribution tape. The name is of the form:
>; MM1: or
>; MS0: etc...
>* Which tape drive contains the distribution tape [S]: MS0:
>; We will now set the CSR of the controller that will be
>; used to bring in the remainder of the distribution kit to
>; the standard value. If your controller is not at this address
>; it will be necessary for you to manually configure the system
>; by issuing the appropriate CON commands. Answer Yes to the
>; manual configuration question to do this. If your controller
>; is at the standard address, you do not have to do a manual
>; configuration.
>; We will now bring on line all devices which were generated into
>; this baseline image and which exist in your hardware system.
>; If there is hardware in your system occupying a control
>; register address which conflicts with a standard DIGITAL
>; does occur, rebootstrap the baseline system and answer Yes
>; to this question. Instructions will then be provided to help
>; circumvent the problem.
>* Do you need to do manual configuration? [Y/N]: N
>; Prepare to bring in the remainder of the distribution kit
>* Is your target system disk an RC25, RK07, or RD52? [Y/N]: N
>; Since the files in the second backup set are not necessary to generate
>; your system you may wish to skip the verify pass to save time.
>* Do you want to verify the second backup set? [Y/N]: N
>; We will now mount the tape in MS0: for access by BRU.
>; Ensure that the BRU task is installed.
>; We will now load the remainder of the distribution kit.
20:25:40 24-MAY-90
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on MS0:
BRU - End of Tape 1 on MS0:
BRU - Completed
20:25:46 *** MS0: -- Dismount complete
DMO -- TT0: dismounted from MS0: *** Final dismount initiated ***
20:25:46 24-MAY-90
>; We will now create any UFDs that must be created on your disk(s).
>; You will not see the UFD commands.
20:25:46 24-MAY-90
>; The preparation of the RSX-11M-PLUS kit is now complete. The next
>; time this disk is bootstrapped, this dialog will only be repeated
>; on request. We will now record the successful installation in the
>; log file on the new system disk, and either exit if the installation
>; was done on line, or proceed with the normal startup sequence if the
>; baseline system was used.
>SET /UIC=[2,54]
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>; If you have not yet read the system release notes, please do so
>; now before attempting to perform a SYSGEN or to utilize the new
>; features of this system.
>; In order to start the SYSGEN process, type:
>; When SYSGEN has completed and your generated system is
>; running, you may wish to edit several DIGITAL-supplied
>; prototype command and text files to suit your system
>; and application:
>; File Purpose
>; ---- -------
>; [0,0]RSX11.SYS An account/password file
>; This file does contain privileged accounts.
>; [1,2]STARTUP.CMD (This file) Invoked at bootstrap time to
>; control bringing up the system.
>; [1,2]QMGSTART.CMD Invoked by STARTUP to start up the Queue
>; Manager and spooling system.
>; [1,2]SHUTUP.CMD Invoked by SHUTUP when taking down the system
>; to perform system dependent shutdown tasks.
>; [1,2]QMGSTOP.CMD Invoked by SHUTUP to stop the Queue Manager
>; and spooling system.
>; [1,2]LOGIN.TXT Displayed on user's terminal when logging in.
>; [1,2]BATCH.TXT Displayed at the beginning of each batch log
>; file.
>CLI /INIT=DCL/CTRLC/DPR="<15><12>/$ /"
>@ <EOF>
DB0:[200,200] Nonamed TT0:
Protection UIC: [200,200]
Ahora que podemos utilizar el sistema de base (antediluviano equivalente a un Pendrive booteable con GNU/Linux). Sin embargo, este no estará optimizado para nuestra configuración de hardware - si siquiera hará uso de toda la memoria emulada ni contará con todos los servicios de dispositivos configurados.
Para crear una imagen ejecutable final optimizada para nuestra configuración emulada, habremos de correr la utilidad de generación de sistema. Se trata de una serie de comandos que reciden en el UFD [200,200] (el Directorio de Ficheros de Usuario de RSX, similar a un /usr/bin en los similares a UNIX).
Ya que gracias al comando sho /def anterior vimos que ya estamos situados en UFD [200,200], de modo que podremos el guion SYSGEN.CMD introduciendo @sysgen, de la siguiente manera:
>; COPYRIGHT (c) 1988
>; To exit from the SYSGEN procedure at any time, type CTRL/Z.
>; If you are unsure of the answer to a question for which a de-
>; fault answer exists, use the default answer.
>; Choosing SYSGEN Options 24-MAY-90 at 20:26
>; Every question is preceded by a question number (for example SU010)
>; which you can use to find the explanation of the question in the
>; RSX-11M-PLUS System Generation and Installation Guide.
>; An explanation of every question is also available by pressing
>; the ESC key (or the ALTMODE key) in response to the question.
>; If you are unfamiliar with the SYSGEN procedure, the explanation of
>; each question can be printed automatically before the question.
>* SU010 Do you always want the explanation printed? [Y/N D:N]: ? [Presionar Intro]
>; SYSGEN always creates saved answer files containing your responses
>; to the SYSGEN questions:
>; SYSGENSA1.CMD Setup questions, Executive options
>; SYSGENSA2.CMD Peripheral configuration
>; SYSGENSA3.CMD Nonprivileged task builds
>; You should perform a PREPGEN first to create saved answer files, and
>; then perform a SYSGEN, specifying those saved answer files as input
>; to the Executive, peripheral, and nonprivileged task build sections.
>* SU020 Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for
>* the Executive options? [Y/N D:N]: ? [Presionar Intro]
>* SU040 Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for
>* the peripheral configuration? [Y/N D:N]: ? [Presionar Intro]
>* SU060 Do you want to use a saved answer file as input for
>* the nonprivileged task builds? [Y/N D:N]: ? [Presionar Intro]
>* SU080 Do you want to do a PREPGEN? [Y/N D:N]: ? [Presionar Intro]
>* SU090 Enter the name of the disk drive containing your
>* target system disk [ddnn:] [S R:2-5]: DB0:
>* SU100 Do you want to run Autoconfigure on the host system
>* hardware? [Y/N D:N]: Y
La función Autoconfigure descubrirá el CSR y el vector de la mayoría de los dispositivos emulados por nosotros. Estos sólo estaban disponibles en las últimas versiones de RSX.
>; Running Autoconfigure:
Processor Type: 11/84 Memory Size: 1024. Kw
Floating Point Processor (FP11)
Extended Instruction Set (EIS)
Extended (22-Bit) Addressing
Cache Memory
Name Vector CSR Unit Type Remark
RHA 254 176700
0 RP04
1 RP04
DLA 160 174400
0 RL02
1 RL02
2 RL01
3 RL01
MSA 224 172522
DYA 264 177170
YLA 060 177560
>* SU110 Do you want to override the Autoconfigure results? [Y/N D:N]: ↵
>; You can:
>; o do a complete SYSGEN
>; o continue a previous SYSGEN from where you left off
>; o do an individual section of SYSGEN
>* SU120 Do you want to do a complete SYSGEN? [Y/N D:Y]: ↵
>; Choosing Executive Options 24-MAY-90 at 20:27
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.
>; Enter a comment for inclusion in the SYSGENSA1 saved answer file.
>; The comment may contain more than one line. The "V" in the right
>; margin below marks the maximum line length. When you are done,
>; press RETURN in response to the prompt.
>; V
>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]: rsx de peron
>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]:
>* CE020 Do you want the Full-functionality Executive? [Y/N D:Y]: [Presionar Intro]
Es recomendable escoger la opción por defecto, a no ser que - al estilo RSTS/E - se deseen responder muchísimas interrogantes crípticas.
>* CE120 Do you want support for communications products
>* (such as DECnet, PSI, and LAT)? [Y/N D:N]: Y
>* CE130 What is the system name? [S R:0-6 D:"RSXMPL"]: RSX1
>* CE264 Do you want IP11 industrial I/O subsystem support? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>* CE270 Do you want to include XDT? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>* CE280 Enter the crash notification device CSR
>* address [O R:160000-177700 D:177564]: [Presionar Intro]
>; Note: Enter both the device and the logical unit number.
>; For example, MM0: or DL1:.
>; Note: Enter XX: if you desire loadable DU:, DL:, MU:, MS: or MM:
>; crash driver support.
>* CE290 On what device and unit do you want crash dumps
>* to be written? [S R:2-6]: DL0:
Cuando RSX se cuelgue, se detendrá inmediatamente y solicitará cargar un paquete de disco virgen en el dispositivo. Una vez que se cargue el pack y se ponga la CPU a correr nuevamente (debemos ingresar cont en el prompt sim> de simh) , escribirá un volcado de núcleo en dicho dispositivo.
>* CE330 Is your system clock programmable (KW11-P)? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>* CE350 Is your line frequency 50 Hz? [Y/N D:N]: Y
>; Choosing Peripheral Configuration 24-MAY-90 at 20:28
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA2.CMD.
>; Enter a comment for inclusion in the SYSGENSA2 saved answer file.
>; The comment may contain more than one line. The "V" in the right
>; margin below marks the maximum line length. When you are done,
>; press RETURN in response to the prompt.
>; V
>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]: Test system for Simh
>* Comment [S R:0.-55.]:
>; DB: controllers: RH11, RH70 devices: RP04, RP05, RP06
>; RH Configuration
>; Physical Unit Number
>; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>; RHA DB0: DB1:
>; DL: controllers: RL11, RLV12 devices: RL01, RL02
>; DL Configuration
>; Physical Unit Number
>; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>; DLA DL0: DL1: DL2: DL3:
>; CR: controllers: CM11, CR11
>* CP4004 How many CM/CR11 card readers do you have? [O D:0]: [Presionar Intro]
>; MS: controllers: TS11, TU80, TSV05, TK25
>; DY: controller: RX211, RXV21 device: RX02
>; LA: controller: LPA11
>* CP6204 How many LPA11 lab subsystems do you have? [D R:0.-16. D:0.]: [Presionar Intro]
>; TT: controllers: DL11, DLV11 controller mnemonic: YL
>* CP6832 Enter terminal type for YLA [S R:4-6 D:"LA120"]: VT100
>; TT: controller: DJ11 controller mnemonic: YJ
>* CP7204 Enter number of DJ11 asynchronous line
>* multiplexers [D R:0.-16. D:0.]: [Presionar Intro]
>* CP7604 Do you have any intercomputer communication devices? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
Asegúrese de seleccionar no a esta pregunta si tiene pensado correr DECnete debido a que los dispositivos de red no pueden compartirse entre el controlador de RSX y el controlador DECnet.
>; Enter device mnemonics for any user-supplied drivers. The driver
>; source files must reside in [11,10] and be named ddDRV.MAC and
>; ddTAB.MAC where dd is the device mnemonic.
>; You may enter the mnemonics on more than one line. When you have
>; listed all the drivers, press RETURN when asked for the device
>; mnemonic.
>; The device mnemonic must not include a colon.
>* CP9604 Enter device mnemonics for user-supplied drivers [S]: [Presionar Intro]
>; The highest vector among the devices you specified in this SYSGEN
>; is 374(octal). This is the default response for this question.
>* CP9632 What is the highest interrupt vector
>* address? [O R:374-774 D:374]: [Presionar Intro]
>; Assembling the Executive and Drivers 24-MAY-90 at 23:30
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.
>SET /UIC=[1,24]
>PIP [11,10]/NV=[200,200]RSXMC.MAC
>PIP [11,10]/NV=[200,200]SYSTB.MAC
>PIP [11,24]/NV=[200,200]RSXASM.CMD
>PIP [11,24]/NV=[200,200]DRIVERS.ASM
>* AE010 Do you want assembly listings of the Executive and
>* drivers? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>* AE030 Do you wish to pause to edit any files before
>* assembling? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>SET /UIC=[11,24]
>PIP *.OBJ;*/DE/NM,*.TTY;*
23:30:52 24-MAY-90
23:31:48 24-MAY-90
23:32:31 24-MAY-90
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>SET /UIC=[1,24]
>LBR RSX11M/CR:256.::256./-EP=[11,24]RSX11M.OBS
>PIP [11,24]RSX11M.OBS;*,*.OBJ;*/DE
>LBR TTDRV/CR:40.:392.:128.=[11,24]TTDRV.OBS
>PIP [11,24]TTDRV.OBS;*,*.TTY;*/DE
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>; Building the Executive and Drivers 24-MAY-90 at 23:32
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.
>; Allocate space to be used later for the system image file.
>SET /UIC=[1,54]
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>SET /UIC=[1,24]
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>SET /UIC=[1,54]
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>* BE030 Do you want to pause to edit any files before
>* task-building? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>SET /UIC=[1,24]
>PIP [1,24]/NV/NM=[200,200]RSXBLD.CMD,RSX11M,DSP11M,LDR11M
>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]DIR11M.CMD,DR211M,DIRCOM,DR2COM,DIR
>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]DR311M.CMD,DR411M,DR3COM,DR4COM
>PIP [1,24]/NV=[200,200]VEC11M.CMD,DCM11M,VECCOM
23:33:39 24-MAY-90
23:33:53 24-MAY-90
>TKB @[200,200]DRIVERS.BLD
23:33:56 24-MAY-90
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>; Building the Privileged Task 24-MAY-90 at 23:33
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA1.CMD.
>* BP040 Do you want the maps of the privileged tasks? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>SET /UIC=[1,24]
23:34:00 24-MAY-90
23:34:02 24-MAY-90
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>; Rebuilding Supplied System Tasks 24-MAY-90 at 23:34
>; The answers to the questions in this section are put in the saved
>; answer file [200,200]SYSGENSA3.CMD.
>* BN010 Do you want to rebuild any system tasks? [Y/N D:N]: [Presionar Intro]
>; Creating the System Image File 24-MAY-90 at 23:34
>SET /UIC=[1,54]
Loading Executive data space
Data space loading completed
VMR -- *DIAG*-Installed tasks or commons may no longer fit in partition
VMR -- *DIAG*-Loadable driver larger than 4K
VMR -- *DIAG*-Installed tasks or commons may no longer fit in partition
SECPOL 117734 00172000 00100000 SEC POOL
SYSPAR 117670 00272000 00165300 MAIN
117624 00272000 00111500 RO COM !DIR11M!
117434 00403500 00005200 TASK [...LDR]
117230 00410700 00033100 TASK [MCR...]
117024 00444000 00010100 TASK [TKTN ]
116620 00454100 00003200 TASK [SHF...]
DRVPAR 116540 00457300 00133100 MAIN
116474 00457300 00006600 RO COM !TTEXT !
GEN 113010 00612400 07165400 MAIN
112744 00612400 00002000 RO COM !DYCOM !
...LDR 12.01 117500 SYSPAR 248. 00005200 LB0:-00143315 FIXED
TKTN 07.00 117070 SYSPAR 248. 00010100 LB0:-00055302 FIXED
>SET /UIC=[200,200]
>; End of SYSGEN
23:34:13 24-MAY-90
>ASN =
>@ <EOF>
Bootear el nuevo sistema
Ahora para bootear el sistema que acabamos de instalar, como primer medida debemos guardar la nueva imagen ejecutable y escribir el bloque de arranque.
>BOOT [1,54]RSX11M
RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 BL58
RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 BL58 1024.KW System:"RSX1 "
>; If you have not yet read the system release notes, please do so
>; now before attempting to perform a SYSGEN or to utilize the new
>; features of this system.
>* Please enter time and date (HH:MM DD-MMM-YY) [S]: 23:37 24-MAY-90
>TIME 23:37 24-MAY-90
>ACS SY:/BLKS=1024.
>CLI /INIT=DCL/CTRLC/DPR="<15><12>/$ /"
>@ <EOF>
Have a Good Evening
24-MAY-90 23:37 TT0: logged off RSX1
Account or name: SYSTEM
Password: SYSTEM
RSX-11M-PLUS V4.2 BL58 [1,54] System RSX1
24-MAY-90 23:37 Logged on Terminal TT0: as SYS1
Good Evening
* *
* Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS *
* *
* Version 4.2 Base level 58 *
* This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT *
* *
Ya deberíamos poder ver los dispositivos instalados virtualmente:
CO0: TT0: Loaded
TT0: [1,1] [1,1] - Logged in Loaded
VT0: Loaded
VT1: Loaded
RD0: Loaded
DB0: Public Mounted Loaded Label=RSX11MPBL58 Type=RP04
Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks
DB1: Loaded Type=RP04
Seek_Optimization=Nearest:10. Overlapped_Seeks
DL0: Loaded Type=RL02
DL1: Loaded Type=RL02
DL2: Loaded Type=RL01
DL3: Loaded Type=RL01
MU0: Loaded Type=TK50
MS0: Loaded Type=TS11
DY0: Loaded Type=RX02
DY1: Loaded Type=RX02
NL0: Loaded
CL0: TT0:
SP0: DB0:
LB0: DB0:
SY0: DB0:
Podremos entender su uso fácilmente a través del manual correspondiente o de un video instructivo:
Siguiendo estas instrucciones es muy simple hacer peronismo, porque es implementar software propugnado el amor entre todos, es hacer prevalecer los valores de la GPLv3 sobre los materiales, es hablar de justicia y programarla; es, en otras palabras, hacer el bien en todas las CPUs.